Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Momentum (Impulse Problem)

The equation of change in momentum equals force multiplied by change in time is implemented.  The problem gives 1320N of net force is acting on the ball.  It also gives 9.0 times 10 to the negative third power seconds as the change in time the ball goes.  By multiplying the Force and change of time together, the momentum is calculated as 11.88N/s.

The to find the change in velocity, the equation change in momentum equals mass multiplied by change in velocity.  The momentum was found to be 11.88N/s, and earlier the mass is given as 140g.  Since the mass is needed in Kg, one will  need to divide 140g by 1000grams because that is 1 Kilo.  The mass will then equal 0.140 kg.  With the mass, one is finally able to divide the momentum of 11.88N/s by the mass, 0.140kg, to find the change in velocity which is 84.86m/s.

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