Sunday, June 2, 2013

Energy Problem (The Hiker)

To calculate the climber's change of energy of gravity, the Ug=mgh equation can be used.  The mass is given as 82kg and gravity is 9.8m/s.  The height is changing by 540meters during the two hour period.  By multiplying them all together, the change in energy due to gravity is 433944Joules.

The second part of the question asks to find the power needed to increase the hikers Eg.  Here, the power equation can be used which is Power equals work divided by time.  The work is the change in energy just calculated, 433944Joules.  The time is 2hours which needs to be converted to seconds to be calculated properly.  One hour contains 3600seconds.  Therefore, 3600seconds multiplied by 2hours equals a time of 7200seconds.  Finally to find the power, take the work, 433944Joules, divided by the time in seconds, 7200seconds, to find the power generated which is 60.27W.  60.27W represents the power generated to increase the hiker's Eg.

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